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FG Automotive Berlin: Automotive Cybersecurity: A new dimension of processes and product

23.06.2022 | 18:00 - 19:30

Die Fachgruppe Automotive Berlin lädt zum englisch-sprachigen Vortrag von Puneet Makkar mit anschließendem Networking nach Berlin ein.

Automotive Cybersecurity: A new dimension of processes and product

Due to the increasing networking and digitalization of vehicle systems, the automotive industry is witnessing increased cybersecurity risk in recent years. The software of vehicles today contains about four times more lines of code in the software than that of a fighter plane. To combat different cyberattacks and safeguard the privacy and life of customers, the automotive industry has already reacted to this in recent years and has intensively dealt with the cyber security of the new systems. The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29), under the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), has released new regulations on cybersecurity and over-the-air software updates. These will make cybersecurity mandatory for securing market access and type approval across UNECE WP.29 member countries. On the other hand, new safety-critical standards (ISO/SAE 21434) are being developed which provides a way to achieve the requirement stated in regulation on cybersecurity. Almost all operations, roles, procedures, processes, and participating entities are affected by a standard on automotive cybersecurity with the introduction of ISO/SAE 21434 Road Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering Standard. The introduction of standards and regulations has also forced the assessor community to build a framework for evaluating the Cybersecurity development processes.

In this talk, the challenges and benefits will be explained, what needs to be considered for developing processes according to the Cyber Security Norms and Standards. Furthermore, we will also be focusing on cybersecurity requirements that are pushed on to suppliers and how suppliers are preparing for the cybersecurity process landscape.

Besides the standard and regulations, the content will focus on examples showing the experience of the speaker.

About the speaker:
Puneet Makkar is Consultant and Automotive cybersecurity expert at Methodpark by UL.

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18:00 - 19:30
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