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Hamburg Mobile Quality Crew

04.04.2017 | 19:00 - 21:00

“Testing Android Apps”
(Der Vortrag wird auf englisch sein.)
Activities and Fragments, perhaps by some strange historical accidents, have been seen as the optimal building blocks for Android Apps.
Let’s look at some of the reasons why testing Android Apps has been so hard.
What steps are necessary to create an easily testable Android app with high quality assurance.
And let’s have a look at a very modern way of a testable Android app architecture.
Paul started working on Android at the time, when the first Android Phone has been sold.
He was founder of the app development department at Continental Automotive, where he was responsible for the worldwide development of internal and external smartphone apps and platforms.
Next to his professional work he has been giving university lectures about smartphone application development at the technical university in Regensburg for more than 3 years.
Currently he is supporting Lieferando in Berlin on their “drivers-app” as a Consultant at Netlight Consulting.
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19:00 - 21:00
