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Partner-Event: Munich 1-day Unifying user stories, use cases, story maps


In this course, learn the strengths and weaknesses of each of user stories, use cases and story maps, then learn to move across them at will. In this complicated topic, learn from the world’s leading expert on the subject.

People make the same mistakes with user stories and story maps as with use cases. Once you learn the core concepts that make all of them work, you will be improve your effectiveness with any of them, and be able to move between them with ease.

With small lectures and many drills, Dr. Cockburn shows how to create clear user stories and use cases, how to cut user stories, how to construct a clear story map, and finally, three ways to work with your choice of user stories, story maps and/or use cases.

Once the basic skills are learned, all of these techniques become just your choice of tool, as should be.

Who Should Attend:

People unsatisfied with the way their business requests are being handled, or curious about other techniques.
This class is suited for business people interacting with their dev team, as well as product managers, product owners, or tech leads and programmers.

Level: Beginner and Intermediate.

Location: QualityMinds
Chiemgaustraße 116, 80636 Munich

Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Cost: EUR 540

A Sneak-Peek on the course: Dr. Cockburn recently gave an interview on this exact subject: https://www.humanizingwork.com/alistair-cockburn-on-use-cases-user-stories/ View this interview to get a preview on what concepts are being introduced and why they are important.

Course Goal for Attendees:

  • The importance of verbs, time durations, how to decompose verbs.
  • Why – and how – to decompose everything, not just the verbs.
  • How to write from the user’s perspective.
  • How to write a good user story and slice it for incremental development.
  • How to write a simple use case and map it to user stories.
  • How to decompose a use case for fine-grained incremental development.
  • How to make a story map.
  • How to work with both story maps and use cases to get the benefits of each.


Author Bio:

Dr. Alistair Cockburn (pronounced CO-BURN) was named as one of the “42 Greatest Software Professionals of All Times” in 2020, as a world expert on methodologies, project management, software architecture, use cases and agile development. He co-authored both the Agile Manifesto and the Project Management Declaration of Inter-dependence. Since 2015 he has been working on expanding agile to cover every kind of initiative, including social impact project, governments, and families. He has also worked to unify the seemingly contradictory user stories, use cases and story maps. His “Hexagonal Architecture” is now considered an architectural foundation stone, being taught in universities. For his latest work, see https://alistaircockburn.com/.



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QualityMinds München
Chiemgaustraße 116
Mücben, 80636
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