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Partner-Event: Software Product Summit 2018

17.04.2018 - 18.04.2018

Software Product Summit 2018 – A Novel Conference For Product Managers
It took the product management community quite some time to start conferences of their own compared to other roles. The existing international PM conferences tend to be either fairly broad covering all kinds of (physical) products or very focused on internet topics. Here comes a novel approach, the Software Product Summit in April 2018. It will be a two-day conference for managers of software and software-intensive products across industries. There are a couple of unique value propositions:

  • The focus is on software, including, but not limited to internet products: Software is special. Therefore product management for software is special. While there is a lot of creativity and innovation in the internet space, a number of methods and techniques suited to an internet environment are not easily transferable to other environments and vice versa. The conference will illuminate these dependencies.
  • The Software Product Summit will feature a combination of formats combining traditional presentations with much more interactive elements like deep dive workshops, how to sessions, case studies and world café discussions.
  • The conference is run by non-profit ISPMA, the International Software Product Management Association, that has more than 1000 members around the world including some of the most renowned experts on software product management from industries and academia who will share their insights and experiences at the conference. ISPMA has developed and is maintaining an SPM Book of Knowledge that is the basis for trainings and certification.
  • The cooperation of industry and academia in ISPMA is reflected in the conference with sessions run by practitioners, consultants and researchers.

The Software Product Summit is scheduled for Frankfurt, Germany, on April 17 – 18, 2018. The program will be published in December 2017, but you can already register here.
ASQF-members get a 10% discount on the conference tickets!

